2008 Books

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Hello Sorry to bother your forum with this question. I bought all the books for the 2008 journeyman test a year ago but I could't start study for the test for too many situation, but now I going to start study for the test because I will like to get the journeyman lisence to get better future, my question is can I still use the 2008 book to study for the joyman test or should I need a new books because the new NEC book came out 2011. I hope I can use the 2008 books to study because I can not affort new books my economic situation is not good. Thanks Jesus D. Roque
You need to find out what code cycle the test is based on and use those reference materials.

Welcome to the Forum. :)
this is what i found from the Wisconsin state website:

In order to obtain the credential the applicant must obtain a score of at least 70% on an examination. The exam will cover information
contained in chapters Comm 5 and Comm 16 (Electrical Code-Vol. 2), Wisconsin Administrative Code and the 2008 National
Electrical Code. The exam is open book. Copies of current Wisconsin Administrative Codes may be obtained from Document Sales
@ (608) 266-3358 or @ (800) 362-7253. Copies of current National Electrical Codes may be purchased from the National Fire
Protection Association @ (800) 344-3555
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