What references/resources would you recommend to determine whether a transformer should be specified with a k-factor rating?
Would the method you use differ between an existing installation and a new design?
On a new design, unless you were provided with exact equipment cut sheets with detailed electrical characteristics how could you make the determination of whether a k-factor rated transformer should be specified and what k-factor should be used? Doesn't some harmonic distortion cancel out among loads on a 3 phase system? Is it generally accepted practice to specify a k-factor transformer based on loads that have historically caused greater harmonic distortion, as most transformer manufacturers suggest? With newer less harmonic contribution power supplies being used in DC powered equipment, is k-factor still an issue?
Does the overall percentage of harmonic distorting loads vs total load on a transformer make a difference in considering specifying a transformer with a k-factor rating?
On an existing electrical system - should measurements be taken on the load that will be fed from the new transformer? What measurements would be most critical to determine whether a k-factor transformer should be specified? THD? % harmonic component at the odd harmonics? Voltage and current wave forms?
Would the method you use differ between an existing installation and a new design?
On a new design, unless you were provided with exact equipment cut sheets with detailed electrical characteristics how could you make the determination of whether a k-factor rated transformer should be specified and what k-factor should be used? Doesn't some harmonic distortion cancel out among loads on a 3 phase system? Is it generally accepted practice to specify a k-factor transformer based on loads that have historically caused greater harmonic distortion, as most transformer manufacturers suggest? With newer less harmonic contribution power supplies being used in DC powered equipment, is k-factor still an issue?
Does the overall percentage of harmonic distorting loads vs total load on a transformer make a difference in considering specifying a transformer with a k-factor rating?
On an existing electrical system - should measurements be taken on the load that will be fed from the new transformer? What measurements would be most critical to determine whether a k-factor transformer should be specified? THD? % harmonic component at the odd harmonics? Voltage and current wave forms?