I feel so good:-)

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Senior Member
Just did the Mike Holt's master exam mock test(that was emailed for free)
I didn't pass, I got one at 80, 3 at 67-70, 5 at 54-58 and one at 48:-(
Why do I feel good?
Well.... I did all of them in a little more than an hr, no code book, and didn't even use calculator for a lot of the questions. Oh yes, And I did it while in a bar drinking beer:)
All the 54-58(and the 48) were basically from load calculations on ranges and 40 units and such where I just calculated them mentally.
that is good feeling i know what you mean. Not that i would try to do the cals without a calculator.:thumbsup:
I used the EC&M magazine code quizs for my prep, prior to MH, open book and failed them every month for a year prior to my EC test. Beer or no beer. Sick to my stomach the night before, wife had to drive me the 100 miles. We were young in a motel with no kids and I didn't care. Next day I glanced thru the test and dang near danced out of there afterwards. State test wasn't near as demanding as what I had put myself thru studying everynight.

Most likely could/would not repeat it now.
So are you going to go in drunk for the exam? :lol:

Passed my master 13 years ago with a 93:)

I just went quickly through Mike Holts mock test to see if I still have it. Getting a 60 answering 245 questions in about 80 minutes made me feel pretty good:)
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