Horse Arena Lighting

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What type of lighting is acceptable per code for a horse arena?
Would a lens be required or can open lamp fixtures be used such as fluorescent or HID?
By "horse arena" I assume you are talking an area for either excercising, competetive events, training, etc. The horses are typically only in these areas for limited time and are not actually housed there. In my opinion this is not a Art 547 area, so nothing in that section would apply - if that is what you are after. It is a general purpose area unless some other condition changes that.

If it is an arena with enough spectator area it is probably a Place of assembly occupancy - with possible 547 areas outside the arena area.
By "horse arena" I assume you are talking an area for either excercising, competetive events, training, etc. The horses are typically only in these areas for limited time and are not actually housed there. In my opinion this is not a Art 547 area, so nothing in that section would apply - if that is what you are after. It is a general purpose area unless some other condition changes that.

If it is an arena with enough spectator area it is probably a Place of assembly occupancy - with possible 547 areas outside the arena area.

There are some rather large barns here that have indoor arenas. That might change the requirements if that's what the OP has.
There are some rather large barns here that have indoor arenas. That might change the requirements if that's what the OP has.

If 547 is what is being questioned start with 547.1.

547.1 Scope.
The provisions of this article shall apply to the following agricultural buildings or that part of a building or adjacent areas of similar or like nature as specified in 547.1(A) and (B).
(A) Excessive Dust and Dust with Water. Agricultural buildings where excessive dust and dust with water may accumulate, including all areas of poultry, livestock, and fish confinement systems, where litter dust or feed dust, including mineral feed particles, may accumulate.
(B) Corrosive Atmosphere. Agricultural buildings where a corrosive atmosphere exists. Such buildings include areas where the following conditions exist:
(1) Poultry and animal excrement may cause corrosive vapors.
(2) Corrosive particles may combine with water.
(3) The area is damp and wet by reason of periodic washing for cleaning and sanitizing with water and cleansing agents.
(4) Similar conditions exist.

My experience the area called the "Arena" is not nearly as severe when it comes to corrosive conditions, or even dust or water.

They have rodeos and other shows with livestock in huge civic centers. Not exactly the same, but not all that different either. The arena is a show area and the animals are not there long enough to create the conditions 547 is concerned about.
If 547 is what is being questioned start with 547.1.

My experience the area called the "Arena" is not nearly as severe when it comes to corrosive conditions, or even dust or water.

They have rodeos and other shows with livestock in huge civic centers. Not exactly the same, but not all that different either. The arena is a show area and the animals are not there long enough to create the conditions 547 is concerned about.

I just said it might change the conditions/requirements if it were an indoor arena, not just 547. The barns I mentioned are not civic centers, but actual barns where horses are kept. They have large arenas for training and occasional shows. Some of these horses live better than I do!:)
Call me too lazy to look - but what section could conceivably require an enclosed lens?

If the 547 requirements kick in I would say 547.5(C).

Luminaires are not specifically mentioned there so there is room to debate but it doesn't help any to install raceway system that is sealed up to keep out dust, moisture, etc. then install a luminaire that doesn't provide the same - especially in areas that get washed - then the general rules for wet locations should kick in anyway.

My opinion is the typical horse arena is not a 547 area even if in same building as the horses are housed in.

It is also my opinion that horse barns are not even close to as severe of an environment as other types of livestock barns - many horses have a better environment to live in than some people.

You want to see a good example of why 547 exists go to a place where hogs only have maybe as little 10-15 square feet of floor per head as compared to at least 100 or more per horse, or into a building filled with 20,000 turkeys. When they are confined like this the environment get a lot more corrosive.
Call me too lazy to look - but what section could conceivably require an enclosed lens?

410.10 has a couple of paragraphs that at least make a person stop and scratch their head. If an incandescent lamp got broken, it could have hot particles that could fall and catch hay on fire. Or pieces of glass could fall on spectators.

Also, could the area be subject to hosedown? Doubtful, but some other 547 livestock areas might be.

And if the area is considered a corrosive location, any fixture listed for use in that type of area would probably have a lens.

But for an arena, if the fixtures are mounted out of reach of damage by a horseback rider, I agree that a lens or any type of guarding would probably not be required.
Big issue may be any possibility of broken glass falling onto the dirt. It can badly injure or ruin a hoof.

Good call, but I don't think the Code would give a hoof about that.:lol:

Taking it a step further, knowing how sensitive horses are, I would ask a vet what type lighting would be most suitable for the beasts and would select the type of lightsource and level of illumination that provides diffused light that does not create glare and sharp shadows.
Some of these horses may be very high paid athletes that require high quality lighting.

Common sense says if performance is big issue then the practice environment should be as similar as possible to the performance environment. That would include lighting.
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