Existing 400A 220v 1ph service on motel

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New Jersey
Happy New Year to you all attached please find some pic of my surprise when responding to a emergency call. Seaside Heights-20111207-00327.jpgSeaside Heights-20111207-00323.jpg Ok now this was the condition and issues at the site. After a fire in one of the motel rooms (bath fan the cause) the towns power company killed the service to the motel at the pole. We went there to see what could be done to restore power to one of the motel buildings however we found the site as pictured. The electrical inspector refused to have the power restored due to the safety issue at hand, and rightfully so!!.The old service conductors from the pot to the ct was 350 mcm. Now the town will supply a pad mount transformer right outside the room. So we have an existing 3" pvc that goes thru the foundation that we cut and planned on pulling in three 500kcmil thw-2 90C conductors for an ampacity of 430A. Now to get my primary conduit on the left side and the secondary on the right side I had to have the conduits cross underground. The towns power company made it out that this was not usual and or permitted? They are also telling me I should pull 600 kcmil or two 3/0 in parallel which would require larger or additional conduits and also chhopping up electrical room floor etc. The town has said they had issues with power at this site and can understand some of his concerns. No load calculations we performed or required by the inspector he just wants the pot out of the room and just provide whats required for the 400A service. The building and service have been there for 30 years and the pot?

Is it ok to cross the conduits?

What is wrong with the 500kcmil

Any suggestions
The old service conductors from the pot to the ct was 350 mcm. Now the town will supply a pad mount transformer right outside the room. So we have an existing 3" pvc that goes thru the foundation that we cut and planned on pulling in three 500kcmil thw-2 90C conductors for an ampacity of 430A. They are also telling me I should pull 600 kcmil or two 3/0 in parallel which would require larger or additional conduits and also chopping up electrical room floor etc. No load calculations we performed or required by the inspector, Just provide whats required for the 400A service. The building and service have been there for 30 years and the pot?

Is it ok to cross the conduits?

What is wrong with the 500kcmil

Any suggestions
Can't help with the conduits. For the 500 kcm, the 75C ampacity is 380 amps. You can not use the 90C rating.
Since you did not do the load calculations to show the inspector that the load was less than 380 amps, you are stuck with 600 kcm. Suggest you do the load calculations or get the maximum electrical demand from the utility to show the inspector that the load does not exceed the rating of the 500 kcm.
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