ground fault protection in prisons

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hey everyone. i'm working at Holman prison in Alabama and have come across a problem i just cant find the answer to (i dont have my code book with me, im 500 miles from the shop). im installing some low volt controllers for water conservation. we have been supplied with plug-in type transformers to power the 24 volt controllers. these controllers are to be located in small pipe chases that are about 2 feet by 2 feet (the pipe chases are located in between two prison cells and accessed from the hallway outside of the prison cells). do the outlets i install inside the pipe chase have to be ground fault outlets or can i use a standard outlet. my heart says yes but the reason im asking is that we cant have these gfi's tripping because the toilets will not operate if the controller loses power. just to help you more, all the plumbing for the toilets and sinks for the two prison cells on either side of the pipe chase, is in the pipe chase.

(B) Other Than Dwelling Units. All 125-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-ampere receptacles installed in the locations specified in (1) through (5) shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel:
(1) Bathrooms
(2) Kitchens
(3) Rooftops
(4) Outdoors
Exception No. 1 to (3) and (4): Receptacles that are not readily accessible and are supplied from a dedicated branch circuit for electric snow-melting or deicing equipment shall be permitted to be installed without GFCI protection.
Exception No. 2 to (4): In industrial establishments only, where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified personnel are involved, an assured equipment grounding conductor program as specified in 590.6(B)(2) shall be permitted for only those receptacle outlets used to supply equipment that would create a greater hazard if power is interrupted or having a design that is not compatible with GFCI protection.
(5) Sinks ? where receptacles are installed within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the outside edge of the sink.
Exception No 1 to (5): In industrial laboratories, receptacles used to supply equipment where removal of power would introduce a greater hazard shall be permitted to be installed without GFCI protection.
Exception No 2 to (5): For receptacles located in patient care areas of health care facilities other than those covered under 210.8(B)(1), GFCI protection shall not be required.

I don't think it is required unless there would be a sink in there.
Would the GFCI device even do anything if there was a fault on the load side of the 24V transformer?
ok i'll add so more info. there is an existing ground fault outlet in each pipe chase. out of 96 pipe chases about 15 of the gfi's were tripped when i got there. some of the gfi's didn't work. not on the scope of work, but we have to replace these outlets either with new gfi's or regular outlets. we must have an outlet that is very dependable because, like i said the toilets will not work if the outlet isnt (not a good situation in a hostile place as prison). the outlets were originally installed during the construction of the prison for maintenance purposes.hope you all can help. thanks ahead of time.
ok i'll add so more info. there is an existing ground fault outlet in each pipe chase. out of 96 pipe chases about 15 of the gfi's were tripped when i got there. some of the gfi's didn't work. not on the scope of work, but we have to replace these outlets either with new gfi's or regular outlets. we must have an outlet that is very dependable because, like i said the toilets will not work if the outlet isnt (not a good situation in a hostile place as prison). the outlets were originally installed during the construction of the prison for maintenance purposes.hope you all can help. thanks ahead of time.

The construction part is what required the GFCI's. I worked in the prison system for over 20 years and the only place that got GFCI's were at sinks. I would change them out to reg. receptacles and go on. At some of the new prisons that were built I have had the contractors give me 5 gal. buckets of GFI breakers. They would fill the panels with them for construction and at the end the would replace them with regular breakers. Just tell the inmates you are installing gay detectors. That will make their day:lol:
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