J jblumrick New member Location sugarland texas usa Jan 10, 2012 #1 what article in nec allows you to run conductors trhogh load side service gutter with a disconnect before gutter and after meter can
what article in nec allows you to run conductors trhogh load side service gutter with a disconnect before gutter and after meter can
Dennis Alwon Moderator Staff member Location Chapel Hill, NC Occupation Retired Electrical Contractor Jan 10, 2012 #2 Huh? Can you rephrase this question please?
jumper Senior Member Location 3 Hr 2 Min from Winged Horses Jan 10, 2012 #3 Dennis Alwon said: Huh? Can you rephrase this question please? Click to expand... Yep. 312.8?
George Stolz Moderator Staff member Location Windsor, CO NEC: 2017 Occupation Hospital Master Electrician Jan 10, 2012 #4 230.7?