PLA/Prevailing Wage

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So a job can also be one and not the other? Thanks

Yes. A prevailing wage law could apply to a job for a government client, whether or not there is a collective bargaining agreement or union involved. A PLA (or any type of collective bargaining agreement) can exist for either government or private sector clients, whether or not there's a prevailing wage law.

I'm sure laws must vary quite a bit from state to state.
Davis-Bacon wages may also come into play. Your bid package should describe what wage determination/agreement is in force. Pay attention to the rules in the prevailing wage agreement. Some states might require a premium for your foreman, others might allow a 10 hour workday at straight time, others anything over 8 is time and half. All weekend work may be required to be time and half, even if thos are the only hours worked that week. I probably spend an hour determining what the wage rates and rules are on every job we bid that involves government money, even if it is only on the financing end.
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