Short section of raceway

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My question pertains to 250.86 exception 2

Exception No. 2: Short sections of metal enclosures orraceways used to provide support or protection of cableassemblies from physical damage shall not be required to​
be connected to the equipment grounding conductor

What qualifies as a short section? I can't find anywhere in the 2008 code where it is defined. IMHO I say it is any conduit shorter then 10' as that is the standard size and anything else would be a short section of the original. My co workers have chimed in with sizes rangeing from 3' out to 10'. What say you.
I guess that is an ahj call. Generally if the conduit is not continuous between boxes then I consider that a sleeve or a short section. Obviously a sleeve could be 100 feet then I guess you could get called on it. I think the idea is that the short section is protecting the cable from damage through exposed areas.
how easily can you obtain bonding clamps for the metal raceway?

I know it seems unorthodox but sounds like it is to start with and you need to be a little resourceful.

Anything that will make a good connection is probably better than nothing.
Just to explain the situation. I'm in Afghanistan and have plastic surface mounted boxes for devices with emt between them. Belive it or not it is hard to get parts here and I cannot get bonding bushings for the conduit. Any thoughts.
I don't believe that is the intent of that section. My understanding was that they were talking about a sleeve although the words don't state that. IMO, you need to bond it.
Thanks for the ideas gentlemen. My easiest out will be to run PVC unfortunatly it is a high traffic area and not spec'd for PVC but I think we can get a variance on it. Grounding and bonding here in Afghanistan is considered a Life, Health, Safety issue and if the AHJ doesn't agree with oour interpertaion of Short Section of Raceway it is an on the spot fine of between 500K to 1MIL in other words not worth the risk.
Thanks for the ideas gentlemen. My easiest out will be to run PVC unfortunatly it is a high traffic area and not spec'd for PVC but I think we can get a variance on it. Grounding and bonding here in Afghanistan is considered a Life, Health, Safety issue and if the AHJ doesn't agree with oour interpertaion of Short Section of Raceway it is an on the spot fine of between 500K to 1MIL in other words not worth the risk.

There is a good method for keeping owners and handymen from doing the work. Would also raise overhead and result in more profits. Imagine charging several thousand to install something that many are currently doing for just a couple hundred or so.
Thanks for the ideas gentlemen. My easiest out will be to run PVC unfortunatly it is a high traffic area and not spec'd for PVC but I think we can get a variance on it. Grounding and bonding here in Afghanistan is considered a Life, Health, Safety issue and if the AHJ doesn't agree with oour interpertaion of Short Section of Raceway it is an on the spot fine of between 500K to 1MIL in other words not worth the risk.

If fines of 500K to 1MIL hang on noncompliant installations, it would be wise of your customer

to provide the necessary material. I remember the solider getting elecocuted from the shower.
The soldiers geeting shocked in Iraq is the exact reason for the fines and serious nature the the US Government puts on grounding and bonding. Unfortunatly they don't take the inspections of the Afghani installs so seriously. The Afghani's build and wire then we have to come back and make it code compliant, and take responsibility for the entire install.
Thanks for the ideas gentlemen. My easiest out will be to run PVC unfortunatly it is a high traffic area and not spec'd for PVC but I think we can get a variance on it. Grounding and bonding here in Afghanistan is considered a Life, Health, Safety issue and if the AHJ doesn't agree with oour interpertaion of Short Section of Raceway it is an on the spot fine of between 500K to 1MIL in other words not worth the risk.

Hey Andrew... fines of between 500K to does it work over there?

1. Who is the AHJ?
2. Who pays the fines?
3. Who gets the fine money?
4. Who do you work for?
5. How do you get paid?

A conduit that runs between boxes is not short section of raceway used to protect the conductors. 314.3 prohibits the use of metallic conduit with non-metallic boxes.
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