Aluminum Ground Wire

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Is solid bare aluminum grounding wire hard to come by? I have called several (5) local electric supply distributors and none of them seem to stock any.

The reason I ask is because I have a solar application with an annodized aluminum structure, and aesthetics are a primary concern. A green insulated equipment grounding conductor would look terrible so I'm trying my best to avoid it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Googled - found Belden offers #8 sol aluminum.

I remember installing some back in the early 80's for 'grounding' roof top TV antennas.
I am not sure where you plan on running/terminating this but keep 250.64(A)&(B) in mind.

+ Another vote for tinned copper, for many reasons.
The NEC doesn't mention that tinned copper may be used as an equipment grounding conductor. Has anyone found otherwise? (section 250.118 NEC 2011)

WIMaster- The section you mentioned would be in regard to a grounding electrode conductor. The application would be for an equipment grounding conductor (connecting all of the panels and metal framework together, and then bonding it to a GEC in the foundation, but I would specify that it had to be 18in from the concrete at the termination point).
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It is no good to install bare aluminium wires on surfaces which alternately wet and dry.The aluminium is corroded quickly......
And a big NO if the bare aluminium is to be buried in ground.
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Thanks for all of the advice,
I may just have to use the insulated green solid copper... (painful)
I had my doubts about the bare solid aluminum in outdoor conditions, and seeing as how the tinned copper isn't mentioned in the NEC, it's not looking like a viable option either. (ETL most likely won't let it slide)
It is no good to install bare aluminium wires on surfaces which alternately wet and dry.The aluminium is corroded quickly......
And a big NO if the bare aluminium is to be buried in ground.

Lots of overhead distribution is aluminum conductors and has little trouble with what you mention if proper devices and installation practices are used for termination. Only exposed aluminum near or below ground level seems to suffer much of this problem.
Is solid bare aluminum grounding wire hard to come by? I have called several (5) local electric supply distributors and none of them seem to stock any.

The reason I ask is because I have a solar application with an annodized aluminum structure, and aesthetics are a primary concern. A green insulated equipment grounding conductor would look terrible so I'm trying my best to avoid it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Strip some insulated aluminum wire

But I don't like aluminum for a ground, especially when it is the conductor that connects to whatever your grounding electrode might be. Corrosion issues bother me.
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