LED Brand

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Senior Member

Can someone here recommend a high quality LED brand that makes the reels of strip light? I've got a company that is trying to sell me the product without a brand name. He insists that all LEDs are the same.

Thank You,

Can someone here recommend a high quality LED brand that makes the reels of strip light? I've got a company that is trying to sell me the product without a brand name. He insists that all LEDs are the same.

Thank You,

A place to start, you might want to look into TheLEDLight.com
I have used there products on a small cabinet and it worked out well.
Super Bright LEDs

Super Bright LEDs

I've bought the reels from a company off the internet called Superbright LEDs which can be found easily through Google. Sort of pricey, but have performed well, really bright!
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