Question on using standard 8-3 romex for 12 volts???

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Senior Member
Is it ok to use standard 8-3 (non-metalic sheathed romex with ground) for low voltage wire in a residence? Basically for the 12V (secondary) side of a magnetic transformer for Monorail lighting in a kitchen ceiling. Any feedback or code references would be greatly appreciated.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I have used 8/3 seu for low voltage track lighting. There is no issue with that as long as the wiring terminates in a jb.


Electron manager
NE Nebraska
The problem with low voltage lighting is voltage drop. If you have a 12 volt system a one volt drop is a little over 8% - it will be noticeable. It does not take nearly as long of a run at 12 volts to have excess drop as it takes at 120 volts or more. Also remember the current is 10 times higher than it is for same load at 120 volts, which adds to the voltage drop problems. The key is to locate the 12 volt supply as close as practical to the load.
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