1 generator with 2 transfer switches ???

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Has anybody researched hooking up 1-150amp SE rated transfer switch & 1- 200amp SE rated transfer switch to 1- 20kw Generac generator, home owner supplied everything, he also said Generac said he needed the two switches. Generac is closed today or I would have talked to there techs. Not concerned with the line & load wiring, just the control wiring. At first glance if this can be done I would think you would have one switch control the generator & the other switch. Curiosity can't wait till Monday, when Generac opens.
I'm pretty sure it can be done...think I've seen such, but, I would be surprised to see the install meet the load requirements of 702.5(A)(2) unless you employee some load shaving circuitry.
121012-1227 EDT

I am not familiar with transfer switches.

You have to define the circuit logic for whatever is the intended function of the system.

What is the purpose of two switches and one generator?

Is there just one utility source? This would be the normal expectation in a residential application. The use of Generac would seem to imply residential.

Is the generator size and total expected load greater than one switch can handle? No because the generator is only 20 kW. Or is the purpose something else?

Describe more about this application.

Also search the Internet for --- generator transfer switch applications

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121012-1227 EDT

I am not familiar with transfer switches.

You have to define the circuit logic for whatever is the intended function of the system.

What is the purpose of two switches and one generator?

Is there just one utility source? This would be the normal expectation in a residential application. The use of Generac would seem to imply residential.

Is the generator size and total expected load greater than one switch can handle? No because the generator is only 20 kW. Or is the purpose something else?

Describe more about this application.

Also search the Internet for --- generator transfer switch applications

Thanks for the quick replies, yes one utility source, yes this is residential, yes with the load shedding technology this 20 kw generator can handle the loads,
After taking your advice and searching the Internet I found a bulletin from Generac showing how this is accomplished. Thanks very much.
The following link should help anybody else with the same situation, thanks again.
More than one xfer switch is common, larger hospitals are required to have more than one. I suspect the two transfer switches are to comply with 702.5(A) (2), and you need to be careful which loads are connected to which switch. Some lighting and maybe refer freezer type loads to be on one and unnecessary loads to can be shed on the other.
We do it all the time, not a problem at all. Sometimes more than two transfer switches for one generator.

If it is a simple two wire start generator you just parallel the start contacts in each transfer switch.

If it is a data type connection it might be a programing issue to work out.
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