On-line version of the 2011 NEC and Adobe version 11

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New Jersey
Electrical Contractor
I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this problem but I recently received a notification from Adobe to update my 9.5 version of Adobe Reader to the XI version. Once I did that I was not able to view my downloaded version of the 2011 NEC on my computer. I tried nomerous things but was unable to solve the problem. I finally reset my computer registry to an earlier date and was then able to view the file. However, I am now unable to view any PDF files on the internet. I tried to contact Adobe on-line and went into an on-line chat with a rep. She was unable to help me and suggested I contact tech support in CA. Their available times are 5:00 AM-7:00 PM, M-F Pacific time. Wait time can be up to 30 minutes. Pack a luinch !!!:rant:
Are you trying to read a downloaded version of the NEC in pdf form? I would just try a different pdf reader. I prefer the free Sumatra pdf reader over Adobe.
I believe I just solved the problem. I re-loaded the Adobe 11 version and am now able to view the on-line PDF files. However, I am not able to view the 2011 NEC version on my computer unless I open up Adobe version 9.5. I think it has something to do with security access to the file. Thanks for the heads up.
I had this issue with adobe X and here is what NFPA said to do.

Download Adobe X and then open it. Go to edit on the menu bar and go to the bottom and choose preferences. At the top there are some categories- choose General. At the bottom is a checked box that says Enable Protected Mode at startup-- uncheck it and save it.
I tried that. Once I click on the NEC 2011 file the screen takes me to something called "File Open Installer" and I can't get beyond that. Aside from the curiosity factor it's not worth the time to try and figure out what the problem is. As long as I am able to open the file in Adobe 9.5 version I'm OK with that
The File Open app is what Adobe/NFPA uses to verify that the computer you are using is the same computer that was used when you downloaded the PDF. If it's a different computer, it thinks you are violating the copyright. I have a program that strips all this security stuff off the PDF so I could load my copy onto my tablet.
I have a program that strips all this security stuff off the PDF so I could load my copy onto my tablet.

You are in clear violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the NFPA will be suing you as soon as they subpoena Mike Holt to get your identifying information. :)
While they are at it, they will check for illegal songs and coordinate with the RIAA.
You are in clear violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the NFPA will be suing you as soon as they subpoena Mike Holt to get your identifying information. :)
While they are at it, they will check for illegal songs and coordinate with the RIAA.

LOL, a crime to use something you've purchased and own on more than one device that you own. Sounds like that law needs a refresh.:roll: It's because of these poorly written laws that some of us support groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation. https://www.eff.org/

It's no wonder that people steal digital media.
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