fixture insulation itch!

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Senior Member
I installed two fixtures today, the cheapo 2-pack from depot, 2-light surface. I can't believe the insulation effect from this light. Of course there was about 2" inside and another 1" on the lamp side that you had to open up a bit to see the mounting screws. When I got done my arms itched, neck itched, face felt like glass slivers in it and I am still rubbing my eyes. They do show gloves and goggles in the tool list but no mention about the insulation itself. Guess I'll have to suit up next time:)
I installed two fixtures today, the cheapo 2-pack from depot, 2-light surface. I can't believe the insulation effect from this light. Of course there was about 2" inside and another 1" on the lamp side that you had to open up a bit to see the mounting screws. When I got done my arms itched, neck itched, face felt like glass slivers in it and I am still rubbing my eyes. They do show gloves and goggles in the tool list but no mention about the insulation itself. Guess I'll have to suit up next time:)
Cheap fiberglass strands break more easily. :)
About 100 years ago:) I was a licensed asbestos handler and in the classes I took to get licensed we discussed fiberglass insulation. Fiberglass insulation is horrible for our lungs. Every single fiberglass fiber has a razor-sharp hook on each end and when inhaled puts a permanent scar on the lung.

I almost always wear a mask when I have to deal with fiberglass at all anymore.

One trick I learned is to put baby powder on your hands/arms/neck proir to exposure to fiberglass. The baby powder gets into your pores and then the fiberglass can't (that's what causes the itching) Thats why jumper suggested a cold/warm shower as opposed to a hot shower. The hot shower opens the pores and the fibers may itch more instead of being washed off.
**Itching**:lol: Heard the baby powder trick tried it didn't really notice the difference not to mention when you start sweating. Long sleeves, layers if possible and don't stand directly underneath if possible. I had a fiberglass insulator tell me hot shower scrub in one direction, cold closes your pores trapping the fibers. Seems to work for me as when it comes to fiberglass I'm a baby!
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