FInding listings for various electrical items.

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It seems like I can waste hours trying to look up an item to find it's listing...

Right now I am trying to find the listing for a pipe clamp. I have been using them for years but I would like to switch to aluminum for the GEC so I want to print out the listing for the clamp just in case the inspector gets fussy.

The clamp says HEX on it, which seems to be a company in India. But their website doesn't have any specs on the clamp.

The other markings are:

Copper Water Tubing
1/2 3/4 1

I understand that it lists the pipe size (1/2 - 1) and the wire size (10-2). But I don't see any model number that I could lookup to find out if it's usable with Al.

Am I just being childish in my complaint about it not being easy to find the listing?
Is the clamp a copper one-- those would not work with aluminum but I bet those silver colored ones would work.... There may be some info on the box that they were sent in.
Is the clamp a copper one-- those would not work with aluminum but I bet those silver colored ones would work.... There may be some info on the box that they were sent in.

It appears to be some type of rough looking brass finish. Not really sure. It's the same as the typical acorn (at least typical for what I've always seen).

I guess I could ask to see the box that they come out of the next time that I go to the supply house. It's just s shame that things like this don't have a unique number that can be searched and a listing found easily.

Another thing that I noticed is that some manufacturers don't have the listing info on their website at all. You have to look at suppliers websites to find the info :rant:
I think it's a pain too and that's why most inspectors will make "you" show them that it's approved for the use. They may look it up for their own information.
Dennis, I ordered those ones you linked to in the other thread. They cost 5 times as much as the bronze ones from the supply house though :rant:

The inspector is looking for cu/al. With out that on the clamp you can't use AL.
So if it doesn't say, then it defaults to Cu only?
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