110-14 electrical connections

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Austin Texas
My inspector wrote me up for not having terminated a aluminum ground wire with a oxidizing inhibitor. ( no-lux) I have not heard of this one before. The lug is rated for copper/aluminum and because the termination has no load on it, I did not think this was necessary. Could I get some responces before I call and challenge this correction notice.
My inspector wrote me up for not having terminated a aluminum ground wire with a oxidizing inhibitor. ( no-lux) I have not heard of this one before. The lug is rated for copper/aluminum and because the termination has no load on it, I did not think this was necessary. Could I get some responces before I call and challenge this correction notice.
Does not explicitly call for it, but there's...

110.12 Mechanical Execution of Work. Electrical equipment
shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner.

.... omitted for brevity...

(B) Integrity of Electrical Equipment and Connections.

Internal parts of electrical equipment, including busbars,
wiring terminals, insulators, and other surfaces, shall not be
damaged or contaminated by foreign materials such as
paint, plaster, cleaners, abrasives, or corrosive residues.
There shall be no damaged parts that may adversely affect
safe operation or mechanical strength of the equipment
such as parts that are broken; bent; cut; or deteriorated by
corrosion, chemical action
, or overheating.

250.62 Grounding Electrode Conductor Material. The
grounding electrode conductor shall be of copper, aluminum,
or copper-clad aluminum. The material selected shall
be resistant to any corrosive condition existing at the installation
or shall be protected against corrosion. The conductor
shall be solid or stranded, insulated, covered, or bare.
Even if the inspector is wrong, is this really something you want argue over?
Some inspectors hold a grudge. Be prepared to dot your eyes and cross your tees on future inspections! :p
Even if the inspector is wrong, is this really something you want argue over?
Some inspectors hold a grudge. Be prepared to dot your eyes and cross your tees on future inspections! :p

It's called winning the battle and loosing the war which is not unlike arguing with your wife.
The terminal is rated for aluminum so IMO it's not required. Ask for a code reference.

110.14(A) Terminals. Connection of conductors to terminal parts
shall ensure a thoroughly good connection without damaging
the conductors and shall be made by means of pressure con-
nectors (including set-screw type), solder lugs, or splices to
flexible leads. Connection by means of wire-binding screws or
studs and nuts that have upturned lugs or the equivalent shall
be permitted for 10 AWG or smaller conductors.
Terminals for more than one conductor and terminals
used to connect aluminum shall be so identified


Please keep in mind this is the equipment ground in a 16 story apartment building and he is talking about every distrubutiuon board that are energized and it would be over 220 terminations. These are individual #6 terminated in a cu/al rated mechanical lug. Based on Southwire the manufacture of this cable under their installation termination guidlines, it is not required, brushing is required but the compound is not. It is listed as a good practice but not as a rquirement.
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Please keep in mind this is the equipment ground in a 16 story apartment building and he is talking about every distrubutiuon board that are energized and it would be over 220 terminations. These are individual #6 terminated in a cu/al rated mechanical lug.
I'm with Rob (infinity), ask for Code reference...
Even if the inspector is wrong, is this really something you want argue over?
Some inspectors hold a grudge. Be prepared to dot your eyes and cross your tees on future inspections! :p

This inspector and I have had numerous items where we each have had to show the other in the code, is it a interpertion or a true code requirement. He has won some and I have won some. I always welcome the challenge and he seems to also.
Based on Southwire the manufacture of this cable under their installation termination guidlines, it is not required, brushing is required but the compound is not. It is listed as a good practice but not as a rquirement.

Right there is the answer to your question. Show inspector this information from Southwire, and also tell him to read 110.3(B).
My inspector wrote me up for not having terminated a aluminum ground wire with a oxidizing inhibitor. ( no-lux) I have not heard of this one before. The lug is rated for copper/aluminum and because the termination has no load on it, I did not think this was necessary. Could I get some responces before I call and challenge this correction notice.

I don't think that as a practical matter the fact that the termination is carrying no load most of the time eliminates the need for the connection to be low resistance and reliable when a fault current needs to be carried. So you would have to rely on the termination being designed to be used without an oxidization inhibitor. Do the instructions for the lug address this?
I don't think that as a practical matter the fact that the termination is carrying no load most of the time eliminates the need for the connection to be low resistance and reliable when a fault current needs to be carried. So you would have to rely on the termination being designed to be used without an oxidization inhibitor. Do the instructions for the lug address this?

I can check but it is a cu/al lug termination. Southwire states in their termination requirements it is not required for their wire but recommended as a good practice. Their only requirement is brushing the conductor.
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