Afci on laundry circuit

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If your laundry is in a area considered unfinished then it need not to be AFCI protected. But then it would need to be GFCI protected.

I have never seen anything in the NEC that states what you are saying. Yes if your laundry was in your bedroom or another room that needed afci then yes it would.

In the 2014 both kitchen and laundry rooms will be required to have afci protection
I have never seen anything in the NEC that states what you are saying. Yes if your laundry was in your bedroom or another room that needed afci then yes it would.

In the 2014 both kitchen and laundry rooms will be required to have afci protection

so starting 2014 we will need afci as well as gfci protection in kitchens? greeaaat... bathrooms also? or is that for following cycle?
I have never seen anything in the NEC that states what you are saying. Yes if your laundry was in your bedroom or another room that needed afci then yes it would.

In the 2014 both kitchen and laundry rooms will be required to have afci protection

He might be talking about an unfinished basement.
I appologize. My AHJ interprets, when it says similar rooms or areas, as the laundry room to be AFCI protected. Unless it is in a unfinished area. Otherwise you are correct. It does not specifically say this.
He might be talking about an unfinished basement.
Nope. 2014 needs afci in laundry and kitchen- If the washer is in the basement then IMO it would not need afci unless the room is designated laundry but that would be a fight with the ahj.

Bathrooms are still exempt in 2014 as far as I know.
I have never seen anything in the NEC that states what you are saying. Yes if your laundry was in your bedroom or another room that needed afci then yes it would.

In the 2014 both kitchen and laundry rooms will be required to have afci protection

Great, more worn out motors to explain to the customer. "It worked just fine in our last house. What do you do to it????"

Just AFCI/GFCI the mains and be done with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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