Hilti TE-60

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I do mostly residential electrical service. I have the chance to buy a Hilti TE-60 from a friend.

I was wondering if anyone had one or used one and how well it did driving ground rods and coring 2 and a half inch holes?
Yeah, that's a bit of a bigger tool, I've used one myself and liked it.

The TE-60 is smaller and the specs aren't all that great compared to other low cost rotary hammers, but I was assuming that Hilti's specs are conservative.

Hilti will last forever...I have had mine for 25 years and just had to change the cord
Hilti will last forever...I have had mine for 25 years and just had to change the cord
My concern is if it has the (for lack of a better word) POWER to drive a ground rod or core a 2 and a half inch hole through a house foundation every once in a while.
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I have a TE-60. I haven't used it for driving a ground rod or drilling with that size core bit, but for example, with a 1.25" masonry bit through a stone wall, I had to switch it to low power to keep it under control ;) I would imagine that a ground rod would be no problem in anything other than solid rock.
Used a TE-60 with a 5 inch cup bit today. Had to core through a solid block wall for a few 4" conduits. Drill works great. Has a button to reduce the power so you dont totally blow out the wall. Really makes easy work of not so easy work.
That's good to hear, I appreciate the responses.

To be honest, the specs of the Hilti aren't great. 7.3 joules (5.4 ft-lb) of blow energy is very low for a $1,100 rotary hammer. Hell, it's low for a $500 rotary hammer.

However, by the responses I can only assume what I originally thought, that Hilti's specs are very conservative. I'll go ahead and buy it.
Have you used the TE-60?

:happyyes::happyyes::happyyes: Hilti is a proven product thats been around a long time, can't buy better. And no, I don't work for or sell Hilti's, I'm just an electrician. I've used a lot of other brands with the different co's I worked for, hilti wins!!
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