Job interview

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Hello all, new member here. Looking for some advice for a job interview tommorow. I havent been on an interview in over 20 years. I smoke ALOT of weed. If they ask can I pass a drug test, should I just be honest and not waste there time or lie and hope they dont actually make me go take the test? Im afraid if im honest about it, the interview will be over right then? I can quit for a few weeks to clear my system but that dosent help for tommorow, this was all brought on kind of sudden. Any advice ?
Don't lie in the interview. It's a terrible way to start a business relationship with your new employer. As the old saying goes, honesty is the best policy. Besides, if you lie, your new boss WILL find out sooner or later, and good luck getting a positive recommendation for your next interview if he fires you over it.

You also might want to think long and hard about whether it might be time to give up the weed. All other concerns aside (health/moral/legal), if it's hampering your ability to work and provide for yourself and your family, maybe it's time to reevaluate. It might not help for tomorrow, but it could change things for the next opportunity that comes along.
Any electrical contractor (assuming it's an electrician's job you're after) who knowingly employs a weed smoker is exposing himself to incredible liability. If you change a light bulb and that building burns down killing someone and there's evidence you were high & the contractor knew it or should have known, that contractor will be uninsurable for the rest of his life.

Find another occupation. And good luck. It's tough out there.

You asked for advice and you got it. Probably not what you wanted to hear but that's the chance you take when asking a question, especially that one!
I think you will find very few employers these days who will take a chance on a druggie with a new hire. Just no reason to do so.

With an existing employee, you have some ties, but with someone you do not know, there is nothing developed yet that would make you want to give someone a break. And in today's job market, there is no reason to give someone you do not know a break.

Many contractors are constrained by the people they contract with to only use employees who are tested drug free. They have little choice in that matter.

I will not tell you to give up the weed. That is a personal decision. I will tell you there are very few employers of any kind these days who do not screen out druggies with up front drug tests. Some do the testing after hire. I have have run across more than one case where someone was hired and a few days later let go - likely because they did not pass the drug test.
I can quit for a few weeks to clear my system but that dosent help for tommorow

I wouldn't count on that. Some employers are using hair samples now vs. the old urine tests. Cannabis can be detected in hair samples for up to 90 days after the last use.
decision time. what is more important, my recreational use of weed or my ability to make a living.
All most all employers will drug test or should. I personally do not have an issue if you want to use it, howerver "alot" concerns me. i dont but if you want to so be it. however it is ilegal and if we as contractors knowingly have someone working that is a user no matter how little and when they use, is a death sentence if we have an issue with on the job or injury.
Thanks for all the advice. I decided to cancel the interview instead of possibly falling a drug test or telling the employer that I smoke. If I did either of those 2 options, I would never get a job with them, at least this way I still have the possibility in the future since they will be none the wiser. I have also decided to quit smoking for the time being so I wont have to worry about that in the future.

Thanks, John
Thanks for all the advice. I decided to cancel the interview instead of possibly falling a drug test or telling the employer that I smoke. If I did either of those 2 options, I would never get a job with them, at least this way I still have the possibility in the future since they will be none the wiser. I have also decided to quit smoking for the time being so I wont have to worry about that in the future.

Thanks, John

...even if you get the job, they still give random drug test to employees , just quit, your better off
As a libertarian, I think you should have the right to smoke all the weed you want to smoke. But employers have the right not to hire you if they know about it. I don't like people being forced into drug tests but that is the way it is for now. Making a living is far more important than getting high.
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