Fork lift battery charger

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Senior Member
I think I know the answer, but I would like to solict other opinions. Here is the question.

Is it OK to unplug the forklift from the battery charger with out shutting off the battery charger?

I say yes.. shut if off before unplugging.
Almost all manufacturers instructions state to ensure charger is OFF prior to connecting/disconnecting to prevent arcing and burning of the connector.
Almost all manufacturers instructions state to ensure charger is OFF prior to connecting/disconnecting to prevent arcing and burning of the connector.
If they are wet cells, isn't there also the possibility of the arc igniting any hydrogen given off?
Agreed hydrogen gas could be present. Not sure how this bad practice became acceptable? I'm thankfull it was brought to our attention so we can correct the problem. The point of arcing not only a safety but a mnt issue.

I appreciate the replies, wanted to make sure I was not missing anything.
Yes, It is OK to unplug the forklift from the battery charger with out shutting off the battery charger, but it is more safer to shut it off and then plug or unplug.
Yes, It is OK to unplug the forklift from the battery charger with out shutting off the battery charger, but it is more safer to shut it off and then plug or unplug.

Depending on how the DC is supplied by the charger (half-wave rectification, full wave rectification, six-pulse rectification from three phase) the voltage and current may never drop to zero at any point in the AC cycle, so you would be disconnecting a DC circuit, possibly as high as 48 volts or even more and carrying high current, using a connector which was not intended to break a DC load. Bad idea.
Connecting, although not as bad, is probably still against charger manufacturer's instructions.
Yes, I understand this is against manufactureres guide, but it works many time without any issue. I am not encouraging people to violet the rule, but they can use if there is any emergency.
While you're thinking about this, it wouldn't hurt to verify that your eyewash is close enough to the charger and is current for periodic inspections.

More on topic, 29 CFR 1910.178(g)(11) ''Precautions shall be taken to prevent open flames, sparks, or electrical arcs in battery charging areas.''
Ewss is not a issue, we have one just a few feet away and its tested on a regular basis. I think we got into a bad habbit of unplugging the batteries with out shutting off the charger. A new SOP has been implemented correcting the problem.
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