Ground Rod purpose in industrial setting - welding equipment

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New member
St Paul MN USA
I work with welding systems that are connected to ground rods installed inside large buildings. A hole is drilled into the floor and a rod driven into ground, then bonded to the machine frame. It also seems to be a requirement for plasma cutting tables. I have asked what the purpose of this practice is and I cannot get a consistent answer. Many different opinions and some seem plausable, others do not. Is there aanyone out thtere that knows the engineering behind this practice.


Staff member
Plano, TX
It serves no purpose. The only purpose it could possible serve is if the building is a steel structure with all the steel bonded together would allow a welder to weld on the building structural steel without using the ground clamp on the welder unit. Would be very stupid and irresponsible to do that as it could burn a bonding jumper up with over current.
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