HID to LED conversion chart

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Senior Member
is there a HID to LED conversion chart. i was ask by customer so i must answer the customers question, who is hung up on LED. i know they are here to stay Ijust dont believe all the hip. IMO but if they want it i sell it. they asked us to replace mh175 to equivalent LED. i have been asking suppliers and they suggest 43w LED. is equivalent for application

my customer then started to ask if Lumins were the same. i froze and said i would be back with him. i looked at spec sheets for MH vs LED and its a big difference especially since the recommended mounting height for the MH fixture is 12' and its already mounted at 18'. the LED is the same for mounting height so i just cant relocate fixture 6'. i can go with higher wattage LED but mounting heights the same.

any one have any ideas how i could handle HID vs LED.
There is no simple x amount of watts of LED will give you same performance as y amount of watts of metal halide (or any other source for that matter).

You can look at a particular luminaire specifications and compare output lumens to another source and be convinced it will not be a very good replacement - yet if you install it you may find it appears to be better light then what was there.

The application of modern luminaires is fairly complicated, characteristics of the emitted light are not always the same as they are for other sources and that makes a big difference.

To start with light from an LED is somewhat directional by nature where an incandescent lamp puts out light in every direction, and you need additional reflectors to make it somewhat directional.
is there a HID to LED conversion chart. i was ask by customer so i must answer the customers question, who is hung up on LED. i know they are here to stay Ijust dont believe all the hip. IMO but if they want it i sell it. they asked us to replace mh175 to equivalent LED. i have been asking suppliers and they suggest 43w LED. is equivalent for application

That sounds pretty reasonable for a wall pack depending on degradation characteristic of the toy lamp. MH loses about 50% over their useful life. Light emitting decorations claim to lose 30% at end of the rated life.

The big mislead comes from using maintained lumen for MH while using new-out-box performance fr lol LEDs. The lumen printed on LEDs are what they put out on the day of installation. If they're well cooled and can hold the output really well and have very good L90 specs (time it takes to 10% loss), 1:4 wattage ratio is reasonable.

The big blow for the common HIDs is the optical parts. Many outdoor lights trap about half the available light.

my customer then started to ask if Lumins were the same. i froze and said i would be back with him. i looked at spec sheets for MH vs LED and its a big difference especially since the recommended mounting height for the MH fixture is 12' and its already mounted at 18'. the LED is the same for mounting height so i just cant relocate fixture 6'. i can go with higher wattage LED but mounting heights the same.
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