String lights.

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Senior Member
dallas tx
Lighting submittal calls for string lights in breeze way, 12' to where they will be attached.
I asked for installation instr. They will run 250'. Supplier says they don't come with any..
I don't like liability products.
Sent RFI to architect.
What's typically acceptable for securing and wouldn't take away from the design?
That's what I thought ,but they were specified by the architect as permanent, but I'm laughing with you and for sure if they expect me to install them as to be permanent I want permanent installation instructions and open bulbs are an even worse idea. No way I'm taking any responsibility for Them.
There's a version that is for permanent installation. I need to research these more.
One version shows hard wired to switch and securing is to be done with non conductive material. Zip ties are what they suggested.
There was a post here years ago from an inspector who failed the final of a large bar and grill that tried to use temp lights for permanent use. Not listed for the purpose.
There was a post here years ago from an inspector who failed the final of a large bar and grill that tried to use temp lights for permanent use. Not listed for the purpose.
That's what I'm thinking will happen here. No body in their right mind would sign off on such an install especially an ahj.
I've installed them. They are listed for the use. Zip ties, messenger wire, use mouthwash, move on.

Edit to add:
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Partylights,com has a cut dheet on commercial grade "light strings" instead of being called string lights,made for permanent install.
Its has a warning the first paragraph that says risk of fire or shock if these instructions are not followed in any way.
Thats a pretty high bar to set with me doing the install.
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