MC Support

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Had an open ceiling inspection yesterday that was shot down for the MC Cable not being Secured within 12" of the fixture. I referenced 330.30 (D)(2) (Unsupported cables) to the inspector and his reply was we didn't meet the requirements of 330.30 (B) since the wires weren't secured. Can anyone clarify if we are in violation? We have always used the 6' rule and never had an issue.
This may help. It is showing AC but the wording is the same for both.


Had an open ceiling inspection yesterday that was shot down for the MC Cable not being Secured within 12" of the fixture. I referenced 330.30 (D)(2) (Unsupported cables) to the inspector and his reply was we didn't meet the requirements of 330.30 (B) since the wires weren't secured. Can anyone clarify if we are in violation? We have always used the 6' rule and never had an issue.

I am confused. 330.30(B) starts out with "unless otherwise provided" does your inspector just ignore this?
He's arguing that although it states in 330.30(D)(2) that the cable doesn't need support if less than 6', it still needs to be secured in accordance with 330.30(B).
330.30(D)(2) states, Type MC cable fittings shall be permitted as a means of cable support.
he is wrong.
I agree the code is correct we have argued this same point.
How are the lights supported.? Ceiling wire is a must here so we bat wing to it and problem solved.
Funny you say that, we had used batwings and he gigged us for that too, I had to point out that the Massachusetts amendments allows you to attach to the ceiling ties if luminaries/equipment are supported by the ceiling. Walked into reinspection this afternoon with codebook open walked out watching tiles go in. Thank you all for your input
Oh WAIT...didn't someone say that the conductors in the cable can only be 6' in
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