Maximum Amps on a 25kVA transformer

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Hilo, HI, USA
If a dedicated 25kVA transformer feeds a residential home at 120/240V, what is the max ampacity available to that residence?

Is it 25kVA/120 or is it 25kVA/240?


careful.....distribution type xfmrs can typically supply 200% of their rating and PoCos know and use this. So, in the Summer peak, if the load is calc'd to be higher than 25kVA for a few hours during the day, the PoCo will not change to a higher rated xfmr. So, your 25kva xfmr may be supply current that is significantly more than the rated ~104 amps.
That's a good question. What is the typical impedance Z% for distribution type xfmrs?

I've seen nameplate values from 1.6% to 2.1%. Sample size maybe 30 or 40 transformers, 15 to 75 kva perhaps. I always used 1.8% when doing sc calculations. The size and length of the service will often have a very significant impact on available fault current levels, more than one might intuitively think.
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