MIGb or plastic bushing

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We install 200 Amp 3ph panel for an apartment. Building electrician run 4x 4/0 +ground wire outside the building to a splice box located at 15 floor hallway stairs way. From that splice box I run 4x 3/0+ground wire in 2 inch metal conduit to panel location aprox. 20 feet+ 4 feet metal greenfield. In panel i used plastic busing and terminate my ground wire into ground lug. Is this truth i should use MIGB instead of plastic bushing?
We install 200 Amp 3ph panel for an apartment. Building electrician run 4x 4/0 +ground wire outside the building to a splice box located at 15 floor hallway stairs way. From that splice box I run 4x 3/0+ground wire in 2 inch metal conduit to panel location aprox. 20 feet+ 4 feet metal greenfield. In panel i used plastic busing and terminate my ground wire into ground lug. Is this truth i should use MIGB instead of plastic bushing?

What is a MIGB?:blink:

And I think you're fine with the plastic bushing..
If the voltage is less than 250 volt to ground then a bonding bushing is almost never required unless you have a service raceway with SEC's in it. Also why would you need a bonding bushing on FMC which doesn't qualify as an EGC?
If the voltage is less than 250 volt to ground then a bonding bushing is almost never required unless you have a service raceway with SEC's in it. Also why would you need a bonding bushing on FMC which doesn't qualify as an EGC?
I bet lunch with my friend because he told me i need to use MIGB instead of plastic bushing. I told him they require MIGB by the service entrance located in the basement(job done by someone else) .We run wire from staircase to circuit panel box inside an apartment. And in that circuit panel box we can use plastic bushing.


400amp 3 phase trans s load side pvc to 400 amp main breaker panel . 3 - 2" emt conn from 400 amp main panel to 1- 6"x6"x36" metal trough above . Mc cables coming into trough and then terminating into 400 amp main breaker panel . Are migb's required on the 2" emt conduits or are plastic bushings ok ?
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