0031 Mineral Processing

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
I'm trying to determine if the above Building use classification would be considered a Class II location by the NEC. When I plug the title into a search engine I come up empty.

Thank you.
Wouldn't that be something determined by the inspection department?

Don't know. I'm trying to find out if anything used in the use/manufacturing of concrete may produce dust that would fall under 500.5(C). This is an existing plant that had a 40 electrical system inspection by an EE. I'm bidding 99 pages of PDF's with 85 photo's. Due tomorrow.:roll::)
I e-mailed the inspector who worked that project and asked him to add from his experience (he is a member here)
mineral process

mineral process

The best I can remember that had several locations that the equipment had to be dust proof and a testing building that was a classified location . In Chattanooga the Inspection Department requires that the classified area are determine by and Electrical Engineer on the Plans . Maybe this will help you.
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