1 phase 220 V power in China

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Senior Member
Indianapolis IN
This is stupid but I have to ask. My wife (who is Chinese) brings a coffee maker that she wants to use here. It has a type "I" plug (which i will have a hard time finding probably). But more to the point I am not sure how the 240V power is applied in china based on looking at the plug it shows a "L" a "N" and a "E" on the plug so I suspect that the line side is 240 V and there is a grounded conductor and a grounding conductor so I don't even thing I can wire it using single phase power here in the US. I know I know just go buy her a coffee pot at Wal-Mart and be done with it. She is a wife guys and I am super electrician man, whatever if I can make it work i get extra points.
nakulak said:
there are a boat load of cheapo greasy electronincs stores in NYC that carry all kinds of adapters. If you look hard enough you can probably order something that works.

Yes I could get an adapter for the plug to fit my receptacle and wire up a 240V receptacle the problem is that the coffe pot is wired 240V single line or so I believe. So if I were to wire it 240V the way we would it will probably let the smoke out and my wife wants coffee to come out.
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chinese 220

chinese 220

check to make sure n connection is not grounded, install a new cord end and wire single phase 220 240v to ground same as 240v line to line
I know I shouldn't post with no sleep, but I'm going to do it anyways and risk missing the obvious... Here's my take..
240vAC is 240vAC (hz aside) and it doesn't really matter if you use a ungrounded conductor, grounded conductor, and ground or 2 ungrounded conductors and ground to achieve it.
If you are really worried wiring L-L, then you can get a 1500w step up transformer from you local electronics supply store, should run you about the same as a new coffee pot, and use any 110v outlet you want. They come in a variety of wattages, some with meters, and a variety of plug types. Here is one example.. http://www.voltage-converter-transf...00r-stepup/downtransformerwithgerman/europlug.
Connect the 240 volts to L & N, connect the EGC to E (earth). Should work fine.
I think you are asking for trouble. Yes, you can make it work a number of ways, but if there is a problem down the road (and God forbid, a fire) linked to this coffee pot, guess who's on the hot seat.
i have hooked up a rice cooker with a transformer so they could plug it in to any 120vt outlet some people get used to using things and dont think our stuff is as good. I think that rice cooker was much better quality, why cant we get good chinese products here. It seems all we can get is the stuff US companies have produced there.
The coffee pot is in the closet awaiting return to China in June where it will serve its purpose well as it was designed. Thanks for the comments.
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