#10 MV cable in tray

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Senior Member
Billings MT
I have a question, any suggestions on running 24 each single conductor 10AWG 25KV starter wires? Client wants Tray but 392 requires 1/0 or larger for single conductors.
Interesting I have never herd of a shielded 25KV cable smaller than a #6
Is it a shielded cable or actually a wire? What NEC type is it?
I've seen 25 KV cable used before in number 10 for spark plugs used to ignite various things like flare towers.

Can't say I've ever seen 24 of them in a cable tray though.
I found out from the power supply manufacture that it is not shielded, more like a spark plug wire (provided by equipment manufacture). Going to have to use channel tray. A starter circuit, in this case, starts a manufacturing process in a machine, and is only on for a few minutes prior to switching to the primary power. (yes I am being vague as this is proprietary)
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