10 Point meter

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A ten point meter pan is used with a three phase service that has CT's. It's been a while but I believe that you can use either. And don't forget the 10 conductor, #9 AWG meter wire. :)
If the meter is owned and maintained by the POCO they likely have their own specifications on how it is to be done. All of them around here install their own CT and meter equipment. Contractor may at times set a cabinet that they provide, but they do the rest.
I think I know what you're talking about.... I've seen them use a cable and the insulation actually had AEP written on, among other things, and it wasn't in conduit at all. Came down the pole and to a drip loop and open and down into the top of the meter pan/box.
Usually I use EMT conduit but a Con ed inspector requires me to use a rigid pipe.
I have been involved in at least 20 diferent buildings and we always use emt.
Now the reason for it is because he says some body can easily open a coupling and cut one of the wires and change or alter the meter reading .
The funny part is he says that I have to use rigid but I can use compression fittings . What is the difference ?
Usually I use EMT conduit but a Con ed inspector requires me to use a rigid pipe.
I have been involved in at least 20 diferent buildings and we always use emt.
Now the reason for it is because he says some body can easily open a coupling and cut one of the wires and change or alter the meter reading .
The funny part is he says that I have to use rigid but I can use compression fittings . What is the difference ?

I bet that happens a lot.

Like it won't be obvious what was done if it does happen.

He needs to give you the real reason - like maybe they want premium physical protection.
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