100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

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Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

Wal-Mart spokesman Marty Heires said the company would cooperate fully with federal authorities.

"We have written contracts with these subcontractors requiring that they follow all applicable local, state and federal employment laws," he said in a statement.
Typical contract boilerplate that is often ignored.
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

while i don't really care what they paid the illegals (and sadly that seems to be the main reason anybody cared) it continues to distress me that we have no control over our southern border.

[ November 18, 2005, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: petersonra ]
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

It's about time they went after them.Hope they visit Tampa soon and take some of our (illegal aliens) away. :D :D :D :D :D

Moderator's Note: Edited to remove a discourteous term.

[ November 18, 2005, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: charlie b ]
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

Let's be careful with this. If this thread turns to "ethnic group bashing," it will be closed.
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

I am with you on this one Charlie.
If we all look back we will see that we are all alien to this country.
When America was founded the doors was opened for all to come with out the permission of my forefathers.
Only the Native American has any right to complain.
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

nobody is "native" here, all immigrated, just some a long time ago. on the other hand, i am native to Minnesota, having been born there.

paul :)
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

Best arrest I have seen this year!!! These contractors and companies that hire them are hurting our economy and legitimate business like us!

One a side note, If I was a Border Patrol Agent I would be shutting down construction jobs quicker then a building inspector could for no permit. This kind of stuff really ticks me off!
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

Originally posted by jwelectric:

If we all look back we will see that we are all alien to this country.
Not me I was born right here in the good ole US of A!
I am a Native American. Not the Indian kind. Oh can you not say that anymore? :roll:

Lockdown on the borders is the ONLY answer.
Thank your lucky stars these were just guys looking for work and not terrorists. This time.
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

As the son of an immigrant who served his adoptive country in the military, this subject is near and dear to me. There are many issues concerning illegal and legal immigrants that transcend lower wages, terrorism (even though it is a big one), broken laws, etc. The problem with the folks coming over today, especially illegal immigrants thumbing their noses at our laws, is that they don?t want to preserve and defend the American way of life and ideals that made this country great! Without patriotism, love of country and wanting to preserve our American values, there will be no future America as we know it.

Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

Many cultures were "bashed" when they first got off the boat ...including the Irish (of which I am obviously one).

I have no problem with immigrants - LEGAL immigrants. My own mother is a legal immigrant, my father's parents were legals, as are my wife's parents.

The illegals are the problem...and their employers more so. The employers who hire the illegals should join them on the bus/boat BACK to wherever it is they came from.

[ November 20, 2005, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: celtic ]
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

My experience with illegals is very limited. What I have seen is a bunch of people coming into this country because it is "the land of opertunity." Because they are illegal and labor laws don't apply to them, they often work very hard for very low wages. I'd be extremely surprised if the eight dollars an hour quoted here is the average pay an illegal recieves.

Often these folks are doing the brute labor or otherwise un-attractive jobs that many people in this country don't want. Very often they do these jobs without the least bit of safety training or equipment. I've heard of cases where asbestos abatement was done after-hours by groups of illegals wearing nothing more than dust masks.

I've never had my job or the jobs of anyone I know threatened by the influx of illegal immigrants. How would it be any different if you had the same number of people joining our workforce who were naturalized citizens?

Am I the only one who thinks that the illegals are largly the ones losing in this propositon?

Why is there so much animosity?

Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

Although this incident has gathered a great deal of attention it is disappointing that it is doing that. This bust was most likely nothing more than a PR stunt. Go to any cattle or chicken processing plant and you could easily arrest almost as many illegals as this Wal-Mart site. I agree with Bob about the border security. However, of the following two things smuggled over the border which is worse, an illegal working for low wages in a job that most likely no one else wants, or the kids at the high school buying Mexican heroin for $5-10 during study hall? My point is when the issue becomes more than a PR stunt something will happen. Fine the hell out of the contractors or companies that hire them, make it unprofitable.

Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

Originally posted by jwelectric:
I am with you on this one Charlie.
If we all look back we will see that we are all alien to this country.
When America was founded the doors was opened for all to come with out the permission of my forefathers.
Only the Native American has any right to complain.
Actually, I believe there has been a long standing quota of how many people from different countries can come in. Recently people from Europe have had a problem getting in due to updated quotas due supposedly to terror threats, while people from other areas can come at will pretty much due to they will perform manual labor for cheap.

[ November 26, 2005, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: bradleyelectric ]
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

The problem isn't the illegal aliens, it's the contractors that hire them. We had a contractor down here in SW Florida that was hiring hispanic males for daily work. On a few occasions, these workers became seriously injured on the jobsite. The contractor would drop the man off at the hospital and drive away. They finally caught the company after one worker fell to his death from a roof and the contractor tried to cover it up and deny any responsibility.

If a builder or contractor does not take responsibility for checking the subs/workers they employ, they should be held responsible. The bottom line is that if you make the risk of employing illegals so high by assessing fines and suspending licenses, noone will hire them and the illegals will either be forced to move away or become legal.

On a side note. My first ancestors came over from Ireland in the late 1600's. One group were Catholic the other were Anglican. At the time, Catholics could not hold office or practice law in the colony of Maryland. When one of the relatives died, one of the men on the Catholic side and one on Anglican side became the equal heirs of the estate. The Catholic man held a high office in the Maryland House of Assembly and was able to get all the Penal Laws against Catholics enacted which barred all Catholics from owning land or collecting debt. When his Catholic cousin argued against the law, the Anglican cousing had him put in jail.

Fortunately, the next generation were not so closed minded and more concerned with equal rights. The son of the Catholic man went on to be the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence. :cool:
Re: 100 Arrested at Wal-Mart Construction Site

A visit to Florida's construction sites will exsplain everything.Most jobs like roofing,drywall hanging and finishing,block laying,framing are now being done by the illegals and green card holders.Often there will be 10 illegals using the same card.
Why are we mad ? Maybe because they are driving wages so low that we can't live on it.
Does very little good to deport them.They wait a day and head back.Should they get picked up on a DUI and no insurance or driver license they get deported not locked up for a year.I can see now that i might as well just stayed in Naples as nothing has changed by moving to Tampa.
Stoping them at the border is almost impossable.Perhaps we need to send them a clear message.Come here illegally and we sit you in a prison camp for 20 years and force them to support there cost.When they start taking your jobs up north maybe you will understand.
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