100 Supply, Outside; Supply-Service [NEW]

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Section/Paragraph: 100 Supply, Outside. and Supply-Service[new]

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100 Definitions.
Supply, Outside. An outside branch circuit, feeder, or multiwire-branch circuit providing power to a building or structure as used in Article 225. For the purpose of this definition, a multiwire branch circuit shall be considered a single circuit. A service as covered by Article 230 is not an outside-supply.

Supply-Service. An outside supply or service.


The first definition allows the use of outside supply to replace the phrase branch circuit or feeder[, or multiwire-branch circuit]. Supply and the longer phrase appear to be used in Article 225 randomly.

The second definition allows the use of a single term to apply to either Article 225 and Article 230 power sources and make the references to both less convoluted.

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