I agree with this up til recently where we now consider the neutral a CCC (not considering the roof derating). The safer bet is to assume the neutral is a CCC. Therefore, 1000A/.8 = 1,250A to design to based on the 90-degree column. 4 sets of 300's @ 90? C = 4*320 amps = 1280 amps which is higher than the derated amp draw so the 300's are still good. Or, use the 90-deee column... 320A*.8*4 =1024A>1000A so good to go. This is per 310.15.B.5.C and almost everything nowadays is non-linear. I think the best bet anymore is derate for 4CCC then there is no debate. However, this may start a debate. Now you start drating for the roof and you may need to go up a size.
Also, if this is off of a step-down transformer for some reason, the ground needs to be based on table 250.66 which would require a 3/0 ground. This is per 250.30.A.2 which refers to 250.102.C which refers to table 250.66. Exhibits 250.13 and 250.14 shows you the ground from the transformer is a bonding jumper.