100A center fed main panel with 100A main breaker

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civil engineer
I have an inverter with 21A output current. And will existing 100A main busbar with existing 100A center fed main breaker?
I was looking online and there are articles about NEC rules for center fed main breaker. The rule states that:
"A connection at either end, but not both ends, of a center-fed panelboard in dwellings shall be permitted where the sum of 125 percent of the power source(s) output circuit current and the rating of the overcurrent device protecting the busbar does not exceed 120 percent of the current rating of the busbar."
So if I am reading it correctly, I am getting:
  • 125% x 21A = 26.25A
  • OCPD(is this the same as the main breaker?) = 100A
  • sum = 126.25A
  • 120% x 100A= 120A
So since 120A < 126.25A, then it is not good? It says PV Breaker is 30A.
Thank you for your time,
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