10MVA transformer feeding 25MVA transformer

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Customer wants to distribute power from a 10MVA 13200V-13800V to a 25MVA 13800V-6500V transformer. As a newbie I have issues understanding A) Is this even possible, B) Would the inrush of the 25MVA transformer cause massive voltage drops on the line, C) If there is any code in regard to connecting transformers of this type(I've checked but couldn't find anything)

When using SKM PowerTools to model this situation, using a motor to simulate the inrush currents, I expect approximately 13000A(12 x FLA) and this agrees with the TCC drawing, but the one line load flow study indicates closer to 4550A at ~5200V, a 63% V drop. I am unsure if this is reasonable or if using a motor to simulate transformer inrush is way out in left field.
It seems a bit weird to have a transformer that goes from 13200 to 13800V.

If that is the case, then it is possible to have a 10MVA XFMR feed a 25MVA transformer if the total load is less than 10MVA and the protection on the primary and secondary will withstand the inrush.

Some food for thought:

1) Are you sure when you modeled the situation, you converted the individual xfmr impedances to a common Base?

2) Are there any intervening impedances (or 13.8kV loads) connected to the 13.8kV link between the two xfmrs!

3) Inrush transient during energization is not equal on all three phases?

4) Why have you not considered changing taps on the 25MVA xfmr?

Regards, Phil Corso

Regards, Phil Corso
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