110.26 working space

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malachi constant

Senior Member
I am the engineer on a small retrofit project where some new pool mechanical equipment is being installed into what was existing storage room. The mechanical equipment is pre-fabricated onto a skid, and is essentially a couple pumps with a single point connection at a skid-mounted panel (also prefabricated). The skid is about 6 feet long, half will be located with clearance of ~28" between face of equipment and back wall. Then the wall jogs and the remainder of the equipment has adequate clearance (~8 feet).

I expressed my concern about not meeting NEC working space requirements. The manufacturer got back to me and said they can mount the panel on the left side of the skid (the side with adequate clearance). What concerns should I have about clearances for the rest of the skid? Motor connections, junction boxes, controls, etc.

I don't think any of those other things require working clearances, in the context of 110.26. If a maintenance worker can turn off the power at the local panel, and have physical room to get at the connections and j-boxes, then I would be satisfied.
Yes, maintenance worker will be able to shut off power at skid-mounted panel, and will have adequate clearance to inspect, maintain etc. Looking at 110.26 that is what I thought the intent was, and it matched up with my experience. Just wanted some corroboration. Thanks!
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