115 volts to earth.

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Senior Member
I never had a reason to check voltage to earth,but i was checking the voltages at a site light and my one lead was stabbed into the ground when i noticed i was getting a reading.The earth was very moist from all the rain we've been having.So i guess that there must be some good grounding going on.The utility service riser pole was close by, but the indoor equipment was a 100' away.Have you guy's found the same other places.
Rick, most volt-meters have a high input impedance, meaning they use very little current. As an experiment, place a light bulb in parallel with your meter leads. I bet you read almost zero volts.

This is one reason I use a solenoid-type tester unless I need to make an exact voltage reading.
I was thinking of the light bulb theory.I'm not sure if safety sam would get a kick out of it though. I'll have to do it discreetly with proper ppe.
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