12.4 KV exterior tranformer from building.

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Senior Member
Waco, tx
I am on a job and do not have my code book on me. Can someone tell me the minimum distance from a building of a 1000kva 12.4 KV to 480V oil filled transformer is?

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I am on a job and do not have my code book on me. Can someone tell me the minimum distance from a building of a 1000kva 12.4 KV to 480V oil filled transformer is?

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Is this a utility transformer or privately owned? If you're in Waco, you may be on Oncor's network; they have criteria regarding placement from buildings and placement near windows. I know 15ft would cover you as a minimum if with Oncor, but it may be closer depending on appurtenances that are on the building.
It is privately owned. The GC was making an issue because they wanted it to be 10’ from the building to he XFMR. However, he had planned to face the doors towards the building, I faced them away from the building. Engineer came back and agreed with me that this was acceptable.

As for Oncor, I believe it’s 10’ off the building unless it’s in front of a door, then they want 15’. Thanks for the response though!

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The whole argument was over 6”. It was at 9’ 6”, because the man I had working on it made a measuring error, the GC wanted it 10’ off the building.

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