#12 Tap on 50A Branch Circuit

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Senior Member
Detroit, MI
I'm a little rusty on the tap rules....

Commercial building, I'm looking to provide a safety lockout for a standard electric range, per the owner's request. I'm trying to avoid just throwing a lockable disconnect on the wall above the range for aesthetic reasons. My idea was to use a 50A contactor mounted in a NEMA 1 enclosure above the ceiling. The 120V contactor coil would be fed through a barrel switch on the wall above the range, and the 120V would come from a tap off of the 50A branch circuit conductors feeding the range. Is it legal to use #12s tapped off of the 50A electric range branch circuit for the conductors feeding the coil?

Also, would a contactor mounted above the ceiling be subject to the 110.26 working space requirements? I was thinking no, but I want to see what others think.

Edit: I suppose I could just feed the coil from another 120V branch circuit and avoid the tap all together.
A contactor does not qualify as a disconnecting means and should not be used as a lockout means.

The barrel-type key switch on the wall would provide the lockout. This lockout is for the staff's use in order to prevent the occupants from accidentally burning themselves, nothing more.

But, the more I think about it, you do have a point. The contactor could potentially fail in the closed position.
If I read 422.31 correctly, a lockable means at the breaker could legally server as a disconnecting means. If you have that and care to add the contactor per the owners request it might be acceptable. I would, however, ask your AHJ.
You would need to follow the tap rules in 240 for the #12
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