Re: 120/208y - 480 delta
Coincidentally, on Friday I got a call from a former student asking about the opposite situation. They were needing a normal step-down 480 delta to 120/208 wye xfmr. But the supply house had sent out a 208 to 480 step-up xfmr. He asked if they could just hook it up with the 480 as primary and get the 120/208 from the other side. My first reaction was "yes" but I got him to draw the nameplate and fax it to me.
The primary was a 208 volt delta and the secondary was 480/277 wye. So, he could not use the xfmr "backwards" to derive 120/208.
A 208 delta to 480/277 wye is exactly what is needed in the case in question of this thread.