120V Receptacle Indoor for 240V Outdoor Hot Tub

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New member
Need a little help here. I am working on installing a hot tub, and need some clarification on the need for a 120V receptacle between 6 and 20 feet from the tub per 680.22(A)(3).

Can this receptacle be located indoors through a sliding glass door? I cannot find anything saying that it has to be outside. I believe the code was to provide access to 120v for use in cleaning the tub, etc.

Also, I plan to run EMT conduit from the GFCI 7 feet to the tub, 4' along the foundation, and then 3' along gravel to the hot tub. Do I need to secure the conduit to the foundation and somehow secure it to the gravel? Any required minimum spacing for securing?

Thanks! Just trying to do this right the first time.
I can tell you that a receptacle inside will not be acceptable for the required receptacle. The reason it is required at that distance is to prevention radios, etc from being plugged in an reaching the pool. I assume that one is required is to prevent extension cords. That being said..............

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