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Senior Member
Has anyone ever seen a non-service rated panel served by 120 volts (I have—with a jumper between both hot lugs). If so, can you find fault in this install—as it pertains to code. I personally can’t—accept to say it seems unprofessional, and NEC 110.3 “may” prohibit this.
how about a picture for those of us that have not....
are they using the panel as a j-box....
what purpose does it serve?
No picture available. I?m sure we don?t need one. The purpose is to serve any 120v branch circuit loads?same purpose as any other service panel.
Just a topic for discussion.
I see what you are saying. The panel is not served 240v, just 120v...so the hot legs are connected together in the panel. So, you would have a severely unbalanced system when going to the transformer. Right?
Has anyone ever seen a non-service rated panel served by 120 volts (I have?with a jumper between both hot lugs). If so, can you find fault in this install?as it pertains to code. I personally can?t?accept to say it seems unprofessional, and NEC 110.3 ?may? prohibit this.

Yep, but fed from a 240-60/120 volt center tapped transformer for tech power for servers, but most I have seen was service entrance panels in older houses, or temp poles, or mobile home feeds where the panel in the mobile home was jumped for 120 volt only.
As hurk27 has, I've heard of 60/120 center tapped stuff. I don't believe though you can simply jumper the bus together of a standard 1 phase panel a still be compliant as you could end up with 200% on the neutral. Seems like I saw a publication on this somewhere.
Someone posted a while back, (I think on this site) where they had a panel for 120V. Problem was they were using 1 leg as the neutral. That definitely was not good.
It is impossible to do that.

You misunderstood me.Two phase wires from the same 120V phase but single neutral wire.Loading this circuit as if it were a MWBC would cause overloading of neutral.
You misunderstood me.Two phase wires from the same 120V phase but single neutral wire.Loading this circuit as if it were a MWBC would cause overloading of neutral.

I agree somone not qualified could install a MWBC in the panel and not know it's only 120v and not 120/240
Someone not qualified could fill all the empty space in the panel with steel wool and black powder before putting the cover on. When they turn it on, it might burn the place down.
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