1350 series wire in terminations

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I have a job which was built in the early 70's. All the meter rooms have aluminum wire fed by 100 amp G.E. breakers. The complex has over 20 meter rooms, all of them fed the same way. Some of the wires ( appox 10% ) are burned entering/leaving the breaker. Can 1350 aluminum wire be spliced with cu/al bolted terminals such as a Morris 97019 Black Insulated In-Line Splice 1/0 -14 using a bolted connection ?
I want to cut off the damaged aluminum wire and use new cu thhn to attach to the original breaker for a long term and more durable connection.
I realize that if the breaker has any arcing on the terminals, it will need to be replaced. Thankfully, the breakers are G.E. ( ABB ) which can still be obtained
at a reasonable cost...
Thanx, dhsvcs


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What is your opinion on using a crimped butt splice ( heat shrinked insulated, dual cu/al rated ) for a more cost efficient repair ?
1 aluminum wire not being properly cleaned
2 not coated with no-alox
3 not torqued correctly
4 1350 series aluminum wire
5 all of the above

I will amp check some of the charred wires...At both ends of the terminations..
I will also do 1 or 2 load calcs on the existing units...
Laundry rooms are fed from house panels, per floor. Not part of load calcs...
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