14-2 and 12-2 spliced together

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I trimmed a house today and the guys who ran the central vac put a 12-2 NB in a outlet that we had next to the vac hook up (14-2). They created box fill on some boxes that we had to fix. Something seems wrong. Could someone refrence a code so I can study up on this. Thanks

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
monkey_man_100 said:
I trimmed a house today and the guys who ran the central vac put a 12-2 NB in a outlet that we had next to the vac hook up (14-2). They created box fill on some boxes that we had to fix. Something seems wrong. Could someone refrence a code so I can study up on this. Thanks

What specifically are you looking for. Do you want box fill info, etc?


Senior Member
Louisville, Kentucky
monkey_man_100 said:
...the central vac put a 12-2 NB in a outlet that we had next to the vac hook up (14-2)....

Are you questioning the 12/2 to 14/2 connection? If the circuit was run in 14 and the OCPD is sized for the 14, 15 amp, then you can up size the conductors, 12. You just cannot go the other way.
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