presumably this is a class 2 circuit. i think you are probably Ok. read carefully what article 725 says about such things.
if not you can install the class 2 circuit in a raceway inside the box.
Well, no you are not OK.
725.136 Separation from Electric Light,
Power, Class 1, Non–Power-Limited Fire
Alarm Circuit Conductors, and Medium-
Power Network-Powered Broadband
Communications Cables
(A) General. Cables and conductors of Class 2 and Class 3
circuits shall not be placed in any cable, cable tray, compartment,
enclosure, manhole, outlet box, device box, raceway,
or similar fitting with conductors of electric light, power,
Class 1, non–power-limited fire alarm circuits, and mediumpower
network-powered broadband communications circuits
unless permitted by 725.136(B) through (I).
Section 725.136(A) specifically includes cables of Class 2
and Class 3 circuits. Jackets of listed Class 2 and Class 3
cables do not have sufficient construction specifications to
permit them to be installed with electric light, power, Class
1, non–power-limited fire alarm circuits, and medium-power
network-powered broadband communications cables. Failure
of the cable insulation due to a fault could lead to hazardous
voltages being imposed on the Class 2 or Class 3
circuit conductors.
(B) Separated by Barriers. Class 2 and Class 3 circuits
shall be permitted to be installed together with the conductors
of electric light, power, Class 1, non–power-limited fire
alarm and medium power network-powered broadband communications
circuits where they are separated by a barrier.
(C) Raceways Within Enclosures. In enclosures, Class 2
and Class 3 circuits shall be permitted to be installed in a
raceway to separate them from Class 1, non–power-limited
fire alarm and medium-power network-powered broadband
communications circuits.
As Peter mentions, 725.136(C) allows you to run it in a raceway within the box but I don't think that's practical in your situation. Just install a divider.