1968 grounding conductors


I have a project where I need to see what was required at the time of installation, which was 1968-1970.
I down loaded the 1968 code book that was posted ( BIG THANX ), but the questions I wonder most about was pvc conduits feeding area lights that have no grounds,
Was a ground wire required in pvc conduits in 1968 ?

Any help or links to this research would be appreciated...
Thanx, dhsvcs
Was a ground wire required in pvc conduits in 1968 ?
No need to research past Codes. An EGC was ALWAYS required in PVC conduit, assuming it has Class 1 (line voltage) conductors or it is a service.

Now, tell us a little more about the "area lights". Where are they, who owns them. It is possible that if they are utility owned they may not have a EGC because utilities are not under the NEC.

No need to research past Codes. An EGC was ALWAYS required in PVC conduit, assuming it has Class 1 (line voltage) conductors or it is a service.

Now, tell us a little more about the "area lights". Where are they, who owns them. It is possible that if they are utility owned they may not have a EGC because utilities are not under the NEC.

Always? weren't some receptacles not required to have been grounded at some past time like the 1950's and early 1960's, so even if a non metallic raceway was used would an EGC have been needed? Or did PVC conduit not exist back when circuits were allowed to be ungrounded?

What code was adopted in 1968? Not all jurisdictions keep up to the latest code. Some areas don't even have an adopted code.
asstd areas around the complex of over 14 buildings, including tenant parking..
Complex owned? Metallic posts? 120V or something else?
Always? weren't some receptacles not required to have been grounded at some past time like the 1950's and early 1960's, so even if a non metallic raceway was used would an EGC have been needed? Or did PVC conduit not exist back when circuits were allowed to be ungrounded?
These are not receptacles. If memory serves me correctly PVC conduit was in use back then.

condominium complex with a few "common areas" like office and club house plus 3 pools owned by assorted landlords, mostly rented out to tenants. All pvc conduits feed exterior ltg, all 120 volt with majority with light fixtures less than 8 ft tall on metal post.