1999 Nec mobile home question

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Was it against code in the 1999 nec to have a panelboard in a closet of a manufactured mobile home. I have a 2000 double wide that has the panel in the closet, was that legal then? I know in the 2002 code that you cannot have it there but I don't know the code that would cover one made in 2000.
Most of the mobile homes in this area arrive as a "per-inspected" unit with a H.U.D. sticker.
The question becomes what Code was being enforced by the manufacturer inspecting agency.
Even today, the newest models I see don't have arc-fault breakers.
Was it against code in the 1999 nec to have a panelboard in a closet of a manufactured mobile home. I have a 2000 double wide that has the panel in the closet, was that legal then? I know in the 2002 code that you cannot have it there but I don't know the code that would cover one made in 2000.
550.11 A
The verbiage is still the same, it can be in a closet, just not a "clothes closet"
The distribution panelboard shall be located in an accessible location but shall not be located in a bathroom or a clothes closet. A clear working space at least 750 mm (30 in.) wide and 750 mm (30 in.) in front of the distribution panelboard shall be provided. This space shall extend from the floor to the top of the distribution panelboard.
550.11 A
The verbiage is still the same, it can be in a closet, just not a "clothes closet"
The distribution panelboard shall be located in an accessible location but shall not be located in a bathroom or a clothes closet. A clear working space at least 750 mm (30 in.) wide and 750 mm (30 in.) in front of the distribution panelboard shall be provided. This space shall extend from the floor to the top of the distribution panelboard.

bingo gotta have the clear work area
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