1c resedential estimator

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Resi estimators always sorta seemed like an oxymoron to me. Sorta like a repair manual for a spoon. Unless you're doing a McMansion, there's not much to resi estimating. You can sit down and do the job in your mind's eye and get pretty darned close.
mdshunk said:
Resi estimators always sorta seemed like an oxymoron to me. Sorta like a repair manual for a spoon. Unless you're doing a McMansion, there's not much to resi estimating. You can sit down and do the job in your mind's eye and get pretty darned close.
Marc I agree with allot of things you say, but not on this one. I had a very strong commercial background. Became an EC. First job 4000 custom home. Over 390 outlets when it was all said and done 115 change orders. Never did a house in my life! I needed something, and no one to turn to. Even Mike Holt recommends Turbo Bid!
jmsbrush said:
Marc I agree with allot of things you say, but not on this one. I had a very strong commercial background. Became an EC. First job 4000 custom home. Over 390 outlets when it was all said and done 115 change orders. Never did a house in my life! I needed something, and no one to turn to. Even Mike Holt recommends Turbo Bid!
I did say "unless you're doing a McMansion", which it sounds like you were. I would hope that no EC would feel compelled to use an estimating program for something simple like a 3 bedroom ranch or a cut and dry spec home.
mdshunk said:
I did say "unless you're doing a McMansion", which it sounds like you were. I would hope that no EC would feel compelled to use an estimating program for something simple like a 3 bedroom ranch or a cut and dry spec home.
Oops my bad!! The programs work preety good though!

Well guys have a good night:grin:
mdshunk said:
Resi estimators always sorta seemed like an oxymoron to me. Sorta like a repair manual for a spoon. Unless you're doing a McMansion, there's not much to resi estimating. You can sit down and do the job in your mind's eye and get pretty darned close.

I agree with you to a point. The company I work for has over 25 jobsites currently going and we do plenty of custom houses as well. Counting the house and putting a number to it is easy. It is doing all of the job changes that builders love to do and getting all of the plans ready, is what makes my job required for my company. For a lot of the companies in my area that have residential estimators, we really act as project managers as well. That being said, if you have a smaller company a residential estimator is not needed. (Sorry for the rant, I just got in an arguement about this yesterday. When I was told by some joker that I don't have a real job)
I just noticed that in the database there is no spot for the 14-2 and they assume everything is wired in 12. I just wish you could add more material to the sections as needed. And where you come to your estimate breakdown it doesnt let you mark up the material, it gives you a spot to do it after the man hours and the tax and the material are all added in. Not sure what to even put in this percentage box.
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