Chris Hunter
Re:2005 Nec Class 1 locations Article 501.10(B)(1)(1) allows Class 1 Division 1 wiring methods to be employed in Class 1 Division 2 locations. 501.10(B)(1)(a) Exception permits PVC under the stated conditions. The required concrete encasment is permited to be omited "where subject to the provisions of 514.8." The provisions of Article 514.8. indicates any potion of electrical wiring that is below a Class 1 Division 2 location [as classified in table 514.3(B)(1)] shall be sealed within 10 feet of the point of emergence above grade. Table 514.3(B)(1) speaks to service rooms without dispensing yet the extent of the classified location listed does not referance the 18" class 1 division 2 location associated with commercial Garages 511.3(B)(3)(1). I have read a Code Basic article indicating "If a raceway enters a classified location, the underfloor location takes on the classification of the area above, even if the conduit passes unbroken through the area and terminates in an unclassified location". Question #1- In a Commercial Garage Service Room when 4 Air changes is not provided 511.3 (B)(3)(1) and where PVC is used 2 foot below the classified area and Rigid Steel is stub up and passes through the 18" classified area and extends another 12" and terminates in a non classified area does 501.15(B)(2) exception #1 permit termination to be unsealed or does the exception per 514.8. superceed the exception and require sealed terminations? Question #2- Would concrete encasing the PVC sections remove 514.8. sealing requirment. Question #3- Would the below slab Rigid conduit coupling need to extend into the below slab concrete encasment required?